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Štandard (Standard of the breed)
Štandard (Standard of the breed)...




Pôvod tohto plemena je nejasný, tak ako jednotlivé rasy, ktoré sa podieľali na jeho formovaní. Pri pohľade na jeho "mastifovský" vzhľad niekto môže argumentovať, že je v jeho histórii zrejmý pôvod Španielskeho mastifa. Poznáme tri plemená portugalských pastierskych psov, ktoré uznáva FCI, a to Estrélskeho pastierskeho psa v jeho krátkosrstej verzii (t.j. drôtosrstá) a dlhosrstej, ďalej Cao de Castro Laboriero a Rafiero do Alentejo. Sú to veľké strážne psy na ochranu stád oviec a dobytka. Ich existencia na Iberskom polostrove sa datuje od čias, kedy sem človek prišiel pásť svoje stáda. Estrelák je dedinský mohutný pes, s ktorým sa ťažko pracuje, ak nie je dostatočne socializovaný. Ak je chovaný s rešpektom, je poslušným a láskavým psom. Je vynikajúci ochranca dvorov a obytných domov, pokojný so živým výrazom tváre. Veľmi impozantná je jeho ostrosť voči cudzím, ale aj poslušnosť svojmu pánovi. Od Estrélských psov sa vždy požadovala určitá samostatnosť, a preto jeho schopnosť podriadiť sa nemožno porovnávať s obdobnou schopnosťou u nemeckého ovčiaka.


Federation Cynologique Internationale

Secrétariat Général: 13,
Place Albert I - B 6530 THUIN (Belg.)

Štandard FCI č. 173 / 28.08.1995 / D

Preklad: Dr. J.-M.Paschoud a pani R. Binder

Zem pôvodu: Portugalsko

Dátum publikácie platného štandardu: 20.12.1966

Využitie: Estrélsky pastierky pes je nerozlučným spoloční-kom pastierov a spoľahlivým strážcom stád, ktoré neústupne bráni proti vlkom a zlodejom dobytka. Je tiež vynikajúcim strážcom pri strážení domu a majetku, má vysoko cenené vlastnosti vynikajúceho obranára a používa sa dokonca i ako znamenitý ťažný pes.

Klasifikácia FCI: Skupina II - pinče a fúzače, molossy, švajčiarske salašnícke psy

 Podskupina 2.2 - psy molosského typu, horské psy

 Bez skúšok z výkonu

Temperament (povaha): Estrélsky pastiersky pes je charakteristický živým pohybom a impozantným vystupova-ním. Jeho pohľad je bystrý, pokojný a výrazný. Jeho sebaisté a niekedy až hrozivé správanie voči cudzím nabáda k opatrnosti, inak je voči svojmu pánovi, pastierovi, až pozoru-hodne poslušný.

Celkový vzhľad: Estrélský pastiersky pes je psom molos-ského typu, svojím vzhľadom pripomína mastifa, s konvex-nými líniami z profilu, kompaktný a rustikálny. Je harmonicky stavaný a morfologicky dokonale tvarovaný vyslovená vyváženosť celého vzhľadu vypovedá o dlhoročnej minulosti čistokrvného chovu s hlbokými miestnymi koreňmi.


Silná, veľká, s dobre vyvinutými čeľusťami. Hlava je podlhovastá a ľahko konvexná, dobre nasadená a čo do veľkosti v dobrom pomere s trupom, rovnako ako mozgová časť je v dobrom pomere s tvárovou časťou lebky, čo prispieva k harmónii celku. Hladká koža na lebke a lícach.

Mozgová časť:

Lebka: Čelo a mozgová časť dobre vyvinuté, zaoblené, z profilu konvexná. Tylový hrboľ nenápadný.

Stop: Málo vyjadrený, zhruba v rovnakej vzdialenosti od ňucháča a tylového hrboľu.

Tvárová časť:

Ňucháč: Vždy tmavší než srsť, prednostne čierny. Nozdry smerujú dopredu, sú široké a dobre otvorené.

Chrbát nosa: Smerom k ňucháču sa zužuje, ale nie je špicatý, väčšinu dĺžky rovný, na konci ľahko konvexný (náznak orlieho nosa).

Papuľa: S jasnými obrysmi, pysky sú veľké, nie sú silné, nie previslé, dobre priliehajú. Sliznice papule a vnútorného horného ďasna ako aj okraje pyskov sú sýto čierno pigmentované.

Oči: Vodorovne posadené, uložené v rovnakej výške s očnicami, oválneho tvaru, strednej veľkosti, symetrické, dobre otvorené, výraz je kľudný a bystrý, prednostné sú farby tmavého jantáru. Očné viečka tesne priliehajú a ich okraje sú čierno zafarbené, obočie primerane vyjadrené.

Uši: V pomere k celku malé (11 cm dĺžky na 10 cm šírky), tenké, trojuholníkové, na špičke zaoblené, ucho je visiace, nasadené stredne vysoko a šikmo smerom dozadu, tesne prilieha k hlave. Pri koreni je vidieť kúsok vnútornej strany ucha. Kupírované uši sú prípustné, ale prednosť sa dáva prirodzenému uchu.

Krk: Rovný, krátky a silný, dobre vsadený medzi plecia s nie veľmi bohatým osrstením na hrdle.


Horná línia: Chrbát temer vodorovný, prednostne krátky, bedrá široké, krátke, dobre osvalené a dobre nasadené k zadnej časti, ktorá je šikmá a ľahko padajúca.

Hrudník: Dobre zaoblený, pričom nie je valcovitý, široký, dlhý a hlboký.

Spodná línia: Brucho nie je príliš silné, je v dobrom pomere s celkom, dobre splýva s ostatnými partiami tela. Spodná línia by mala pomaly stúpať od hrudnej kosti až k slabine.

Chvost: Nie je kupírovaný, je dlhý, v kľudnom postoji dosahuje až pätu. Silný, tvaru zakrivenej šable, nasadený stredne vysoko, dobre osrstený, u dlhosrstej variety tvorí zástavu s háčkom na konci. Je nesený pod vodorovnou líniou. Ak je pes v pokoji, padá prirodzene medzi stehná, ak je pes vzrušený alebo v pohybe, je chvost nesený nad vodorovnou líniou, zahnutý smerom nahor. Smeruje dopredu, do strany, alebo dolu.

Hrudné a panvové končatiny

Normálny postoj, absolútne zvislé, prierez predlaktia je temer valcový. Kĺby silné, stredne zauhlené, čo umožňuje voľný pohyb psa. Holenná kosť trochu nižšie posadená, so stredným zauhlením.

Labky: Zodpovedajú veľkosti psa, sú dobrej stavby, nie sú ani príliš guľaté, ani príliš dlhé, skôr prechodom medzi mačacími a zajačími labami. Prsty nikdy nie sú roztiahnuté, sú silné a tesne priliehajúce. Priestory medzi prstami a medzi vankúšikmi sú bohato osrstené. Vankúšiky labiek veľké a tvrdé. Pazúry sú tmavo zafarbené, prednostne čierne a dobre vyvinuté. Psy môžu mať jednoduché alebo dvojité paspárky.

Chôdza: Pohyb normálny, voľný.




Vlastnosti srsti: Silná, trochu hrubá srsť, ale bez prehnanej tvrdosti, podobá sa kozej srsti. Je hladká alebo ľahko zvlnená, temer na celom tele dobre priliehajúca. Veľmi bohaté osrstenie dlhosrstej a krátkosrstej variety. Za normálnych okolností je srsť na rôznych miestach tela rôzne dlhá, na končatinách, pod lakťami a pod holennou kosťou a tiež na hlave je srsť kratšia a hustejšia, na ušiach sa od nasadenia ucha k jeho špičke skracuje. Súčasne je tiež jemnejšia a mäkšia. Na chvoste je srsť dlhšia - u dlhosrstej variety je chvost podrastený hustou a silnou srsťou a tvorí zástavu. Srsť je dlhšia tiež okolo krku a na hrdle je huňatá, obzvlášť u dlhosrstej variety sú stehná a zadná časť hrudných končatín s bohatými zástavami. Podsada je jemná, hustá a odstávajúca, pri korienkoch je podsada prepletená s hrubšími vlasmi v srsti. Za normálnych okolností je podsada, ktorá sa vyskytuje v hojnom množstve, predovšetkým u dlhosrstej variety, svetlejšia než krycia srsť.

Farba srsti: Jediné prípustné farby sú: všetky odtiene plavej, vlkošedej a žltej, jednofarebné alebo s bielymi znakmi.

Výška: Kohútiková výška psy: 65 až 72 cm, Kohútiková výška suky: 62 až 68 cm

Rozmery a hmotnosť psa:

Hlava: Dĺžka mozgovej časti:13,5 až 14,5 cm, Šírka mozgovej časti:12,5 až 14 cm, Dĺžka papule:12 až 13 cm

Hrudník: Obvod hrudníka:75 až 80 cm, Šírka hrudníka: 18 až 20 cm, Hĺbka hrudníka: 28 až 29 cm

Horná línia: Dĺžka hornej línie:63 až 65 cm, Šírka trupu:12 až 15 cm

Dĺžka: Trupu: 68 až 73 cm, Chvosta:40 až 45 cm

Výška: Kohútiková výška: 62 až 72 cm, Dĺžka prednej nohy: 34 až 37 cm, Výška zadku: 67 až 69 cm

Hmotnosť: Psy:40 až 50 kg, Sučky: 30 až 40 kg,

Chyby: Všetky odchýlky od vyššie uvedených bodov sa považujú za vadu a ich hodnotenie by malo byť v prísnom pomere so stupňom odchýlky.

Hlava: Príliš štíhla, príliš dlhá alebo špicatá

Ňucháč: Veľmi svetlo zafarbený alebo viditeľne škvrnitý

Skus: Predkus alebo podkus

Oči: Sklenené, oči rôznej veľkosti

Uši: zle nasadené, veľmi veľké, mäsové alebo okrúhle

Chvost: kupírovaný, vrodenej deformácie, vrodená strata chvosta

Osrstenie: albinizmus vlastnosti srsti nezodpovedajúce štandardu

Nadváha: akákoľvek nadmerná hmotnosť

Veľkosť: nadmerná veľkosť (gigantizmus) alebo nedostatočná veľkosť (nanizmus), tolerancia 4 cm je prípustná.

Pozn.: Psy musia mať očividne normálne vyvinuté semenníky úplne uložené v miešku.

Cão da Serra da Estrela

Pictures by Elsa Bernardo, Portugal, taken in the Estrela Mountains.

Page written by Nanci Pereira, Portugal.

The origin of the Cão da Serra da Estrela, is not totally know. Like the other Mollosser breeds the Serra has its main origin in the old Molossers of Central Asia.
In the time of the invasion of the Visigoths it was introduced in the Iberian Peninsula many different large dogs. From this point the further evolution of the Serra is unknown, but it is possible that a group of the introduced dogs found a home in the Estrela Mountain, where the sheep owners needed a strong, large dog to protect the sheeps from thieves and wolfs.

Cão da Serra da Estrela Cão da Serra da Estrela

Pictures by Elsa Bernardo, Portugal, taken in the Estrela Mountains.

The Cão da Serra da Estrela have been developed in two varieties; the long hair (that can be found in the south of the mountain), and the short hair (from the north part of the mountain).
Isolated in the Estrela Mountains the Cão da Serra da Estrela have developed a homogenity and ethnical purity, and this breed is considered as the oldest dog breed of the Iberian Peninsula.
The Cão da Serra da Estrela is a very rustic dog that loves the camp and outdoor freedom. The Serra does not mind living outdoors the whole year, since it is very esistant to diseases and to bad weather.
The Estrela Mountain Dog is a excellent guard dog, one of the best in the world; extremely alert, walking around in order to guard and inspect. The breed does not tolerate any intruders which it is extremely aggressive against. It never forgets a provocation or any intruder, and will if necessary give its life while guarding and protecting its property.

Cão da Serra da Estrela Cão da Serra da Estrela

Soneca do Cântaro Magro, owned by Nanci Pereira, Portugal.

Outside of its own territory the Serra is a very calm dog, displaying a sense of dignity, but always alert.
This breed can adapt very well to live in the city, if it has a good backyard. In such conditions it also enjoy the comfort of the living room. However it is not a dog that can live its life between four walls, because it needs exercise. Usually the Serra sleeps a couple of hours in the living room and after the nap the guarding of the house begins.
With its own family the Serra is very loyal, devoted and extremely docile, but also very protective. With the children of the family the Serra is excellent, supporting their games and acting like an "older brother" when playing with them, but if necessary it is also very protective, protecting them against any threat.
Even if the Cäo da Serra da Estrela is a large dog it do not eat much, and it accept almost any kind of food.
When young the Serra can be a quite turbulent dog, but when adult it is very calm, but always ready to play and it always stay alert. It is a very agile dog, even for his size.
The serra needs an experienced owner, since it can be a very dominant and obstinate dog. When young it needs to be socialized.
The Serra have been used by the police, the mountain police and by the marines from Portugal, doing policework with very good results.
It has also been used in searching for lost people, which it has a natural skill for. Where other breeds has problems because of mountain terrain or because of snow, the Serra has its speciality.
It also has a natural skill for pulling small milk carts.

Cão da Serra da Estrela

Picture by Elsa Bernardo, Portugal, taken in the Estrela Mountains.

Nowadays the Serra is a very popular dog in Portugal. It is represented in almost every dogshow.
There is a very good genetic base in the Portuguese kennels, and there is a lot of quality dogs, and some World Winners, all from Portuguese breeders.
Many Portuguese families have adopted this breed as a guarddog, family dog or as guarddog for farms and country estates. And of course, it is still used by the farmers as a livestock guardian for their sheep.

Cão da Serra da Estrela

Picture by Elsa Bernardo, Portugal, taken in the Estrela Mountains.

There are good Cão da Serra da Estrela stock in England and in Holland, since there were a lot of exportations to these countries in the 1960's. However, the English Serra differs nowadays from the Portuguese Serra, but English breeders in collaboration with Portuguese breeders are trying to solve these problems.
It is necessary, in order to keep the wonderful temperament, that all dogs that have been declared Champions, pass a work test (defence, courage and farm work).

Cão da Serra da Estrela

Picture by Elsa Bernardo, Portugal, taken in the Estrela Mountains.

Important points of the Cão da Serra da Estrela:
A Mountain Dog with a calm attitude.
Strong, powerful head with light stop, small ears with round ends, brown eyes, black mask, strong short neck, long and deep chest, strong legs.
There are two varieties of the coat lenght; long and short. The two varities is equal, the unique difference is the hair.
Colour of the coat: Fawn, brindle, wolfgray and yellow, either self-coloured or with white markings.
The size for males varies between 68-74 cm. (26,7-29 in), and females 63-69 cm. (24,7-27,1 in). 4 cm. (1,5 in) more or less is accepted.
The weight for males is about 45-60 kg. (99-132 lb). Females ranges from 35-50 kg. (77-110 lb).

Cão da Serra da Estrela

Picture by Elsa Bernardo, Portugal, taken in the Estrela Mountains



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     ² CHARACTER ...

 All the behaviour of a breed is a product of  its initial uses


 The Estrela Mountain Dog , has strong and typical character. It is a working dog that  takes very seriously his job.  

  It have an admirable intelligence, with capacity to resolve complex problems, however, it is independent and it can be  a quite stubborn dog.

  It's a dog that takes the job of guarding ( either livestock, house/farm or family) very serious. It is highly aggressive to intruders, never forgiving any intrusion of his territory ( either  by human or animal) or a threat to his family, attacking without mercy.

  With guests that have been  previously presented it tolerates them, but in general  keeps a certain distance,  always  watching in case that something unexpected appears . With the other family dogs , the Estrela Mountain Dog tolerates them, but is possible that he try to dominate the others dog, or at least, he won't be dominated.   


Outside  of his  territory is a calm dog, with sense  of dignity and very self-secure . If some threat appears he   attack, always having the mind the  protection his  owner. With others dogs outside of his territory, he will ignore them, having conscience of its strength, however if provoked he won't back down.

  He patrol and guard all day long, however he is more alert during the night,, when the predators attack more.

  With his family he just love them , admitting all the plays from the children's.  It is loyal, sweet, ,loving  the children of his  family . He takes charge of the protection of his family. He can reveal dominant, so the owner  should  affirm and keep the leader position.  It is a dog that loves  the cold and the  snow,.  The short variety  and the long variety of hair  supports very well the cold temperatures ,and  they  even stay satisfied with the cold. In relation to the heat both support very well, even so  the short one have more resistance.  


Goa da Quinta São Fernando



Although Estrela Mountain Dog is a big,  large dog, the biggest ones  arrive to weigh 60kg with 74cm of height, nothing of his agility is harmed, being in fact very agile.   The guard instinct starts  to reveal at the age of  6 month, but he is only full mature at the age of 18 months.

 But the most important thing in the Estrela character  is the concern  for the well-being and protection of its family, putting always the welfare of his family higher than his and if  necessary will not hesitate to give his life protecting his family.



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  Without a doubt one of the best jobs for the Estrela Mountain Dog



  The Estrela Mountain Dog was especially created for this work and for centuries that he have done such task. It is a dog that does this job with extremely seriousness and responsibility, after all, the shepherd trusted on his dogs his most precious thing - the flock



 The Estrela Mountain Dog is not a herding  dog,  he does not lead them or conduce the sheep's (as  border collies do), but he protects them.

  The Estrela Mountain Dog, can work as livestock guarding dog the entire time or as backing function



  If it will be the entire time, the dog will have to be breed and grow (since young ) with the flock (living and sleeping with them) to create an extremely strong bow between the dog and the flock. In these cases the dog is with the flock all the time of day and of night, either if it is  sun or rain.   It will watch the flock, and the surrounding area, but its priority will be always the flock

  If it will be as backing function, as for example, a dog that lives in a farm or in a ranch,  besides protecting the flock, it also as  to guard the farm , and protect  his owner and family. This dog will not lie down next to the flock but in a point where he can watch everything, and will patrol the whole area frequently .




  His guarding instincts appear at the age +- 6 month, but only full developed at 18month.

 The behaviour of the Estrela Mountain Dog as a livestock guarding dog ( entire time) : 

  When a flock is leaved at the guard of a Estrela Mountain Dog, he will assume this responsibility with great seriousness. 

  It can work alone, but it also work functions very well in small groups. He patrol the flock frequently  and patrols the surrounding territory.   If it  have more than a dog, they work in a group. In these cases of patrolling, in general they patrol in parallel bars, usually staying one with the flock.


  After patrolling the territory (what they do frequently) they lain down in a place  where they can observe the flock. From times to times they patrol and bark on a  strong and serious manner warning all predators.  Normally  they do not lie down together, but they place themselves in strategically points. If there is some sick or injured sheep's, one of the dogs will be always be with them (protecting the weakest). When the sheep's are born  they some dogs lick them (helping their mothers) and take care of them. Note that the sheep's trusts 100% in the dogs.



  When the flock is in motion, the dogs assume strategically positions, they follow the flock in the flanks or at the front (if there are more than a dog, they distribute them  all over the flock), preventing any attack of predators. If some sheep of the flock  stops and stay back  the dog stay with her protecting . 

  They become especially alerts at night. 



  When detecting anything anormal ( n general these dogs detect first something strange by smelling or/and  for the hearing- both senses are very refined), they get up and inspect. If they  detect an intruder they sets in threatening position launching strong barks. If there are only one dog protecting he goes closer to the intruder threatening him with strong barks, in  the case that there are  more than one dog  protecting, one dogs stay  always with the flock while the others  goes in direction of the threat. In general, after this threatening approach and these strong barks the intruder goes away , if not, the dog will  attack it without mercy (either intruder of 2 or 4 legs). The dog will attack without thinking about the damages for it, putting always its life in risk and it would not hesitate in giving its life to protect what is at his responsibility.  



  We find that this dog would be a perfect guard of flocks in any part of the world, because it  conjugates force with agility and with guard desire , unhappily few are the ones that are used, because there are little available information.



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 The dog was the first animal to be domesticated.  The man gave to the dog shelter and food, and the dog protected the man - a productive relation for both.   


From this point, the man started a selection of dogs for the diverse functions, ones for the hunting, others for protection, others for the guard of flocks, that is the case of the Estrela Mountain Dog. 

  The Estrela Mountain Dog such as the other mastiffs of the Iberian Peninsula is descending of the mastiffs of Central Asia.  Note the similarity between all the  mountain dogs, especially in the case of the Estrela Mountain Dog, the  Caucasian Sheepdog and the Sparlinac. 

  The Estrela Mountain is highest point of Portugal with  1981metros, and was, and still  is an excellent habitat for the Iberian wolf ( in that age was very frequent, nowadays unhappily much less), brown bears (nowadays extinct) and foxes. The Estrela mountain shepherds , poor people, who every day had to go with the flocks to higher pastures, frequently were attacked by packs of wolves. These shepherds needed a great dog of protection that protected the flock and the shepherd against such predators. This dog would have to have an imponent body who allowed it to fight and to win but being agile, allowing him to run freely ,  a great intelligence, a great physical endurance that allowed it to face the hard time of that Estrela Mountain and  big health (there were no available medicines in that time). This dog was subject to two types of selection, the human : the shepherds crossed the dogs that it seemed better, and natural : only the strongest dogs  could survive. 


  Two types of coat had been developed: the long and the short one. The long one was more common  in the region of Manteigas, north side, while of for the short one it was more common of the north side in Seia and Gouveia. 

  The shepherds used to place in the  dogs collars with form peaks to protect the neck of the attacks, and , also the ears were crooped to prevent future wounds, and for better income, they worked in groups of 2 up to 6 units. This dog could and was left in the morning by the shepherd in the pastures taking care of the flock alone.  During this times, the dog was always watching and patrolling the surrounding territory, and lying down in a high place where we could observe the flock . 


short hair   long hair


  If the flock came home at the end of the day, the dog would always follow the  flock protecting it from any danger. In house he could sleep with the flock  or close to it watching it, and at the same time watching the house of his owner ( the shepherd) , and if necessary acting like a pure family dog . For times it also served to pull small cars with merchandises (milk, cheese...).



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 The Estrela Mountain Dog  was initially created and selected for the guard of livestock, however he  shows other aptitudes:  

Gene BlackWell


 » Farm guarding dog 


 Without any doubts this is one of the best jobs for this bree. He willl will take at his responsibility the farm and all the livings creature existing in this same place, protecting it  with its life. He guards the farm as guards the livestock,  patrolling frequent the limits, lying down where he can observe well, or in its vulnerable points. If it is a isolated farm ( only visited one time per week) , it will support very well the isolation, especially if he  have a company (like another dog - working in group)



 If it is a working farm  besides guarding the farm, will help its owner in the daily tasks and will also take at his jobs the protection of its owner and its family, being also a family dog. In these cases it continues to protect the farm, patrolling it frequent, but in general he  lain down in a place  where can observe well its family. When it detects something out  of t normal he  place him  in threatening position, giving some strong barks warning the intruders. The Estrela never back down, if the intruders don't go away we will attack. 


 » Guarding City Houses


 If you buy a Estrela to guard a city house , he will do it with the same devotion that guards  his flock or farm, but in this case it will be also a family dog.     



» Family dog


 The Estrela Mountain Dog is an excellent family dog , being at the same time a great companion for the family and also guarding the house (and humans).  He loves children acting like the "older brother" - playing with them, but at the same time protecting them from any danger. Be warned that young dogs may play rough and hurt the children.  

Agatha- Paula & Rui Reis


Don't forget that a Estrela need extra socialization and please never leave a young child alone with a dog !


 » Pulling Cars 


  The Estrela Mountain Dog have  always been used to pull small cars,   to carrier  small merchandises ,such  as milk, cheese, for the market. Nowadays the Estrela Mountain Dog still makes this type of work and any dog will be able to make it without any extra training.


 » Police dogs

  The Portuguese Police and the Portuguese Marines use some of these dogs in its jobs where  they had also shown great capacity of learning (even so the dog of Cao de Fila de São Miguel is much better). Nowadays is mostly used on guarding isolated military areas.

   There are persons who defend the idea that these dogs may be used for tracking and finding  lost people in the mountain, after all they seen to love in using their nose and possess a great smelling capacity.   


 » Hunting Dogs

 Since some years that the Estrela Mountain Dogs have been  used as dog of big hunting. Reason? Because the Estrela Mountain Dog shows great courage to face the hunting , great smelling capacity, great power in the jaws plus great agility and resistance. Especially it is used in the hunting of the wild boar, the wolf and the deer.


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